How far along? 23 weeks, 5 days Weight gain/loss: +13lbs. Maternity clothes? Yup, all pants (except sweats) and most shirts. Sleep? I had been sleeping great!Best moment this past week? Having Bill feel the baby move from the outside :) Sex: We're having a boy! Belly button in or out? In, but getting more shallow. Movement: I'm feeling more and more every day. It's starting to get stronger too. What I miss? Hmmm, nothing much this week, I'm just excited! What I'm looking forward to this week: My friend Melissa is coming to visit! She was supposed to come up to Syracuse a couple of weeks ago but ended up getting sick. Milestones: From, "Your little womb hi-jacker is starting to kick their break-dance party up a notch now that his/her ears are registering sounds from the outside world!" Picture (from yesterday):In other baby news, we finally finished painting the baby room! The wall behind me in my bump picture is the color. I love it, it's very neutral. I also got a huge burst of energy this past week while on vacation from work and put together the dresser and the changing table. They are perfect! The one complaint I have though is that the room is pretty small and I'm not sure we'll be able to fit the dresser, changer, crib, and a glider in there. We'll see once we get the crib put together and everything situated but I'm starting to worry. The room we are using is not technically a bedroom since there is no closet. We have another bedroom but the windows need to be replaced and it currently houses the litter box. I'm sure we could get the room ready in time for the baby but Bill insisted that this room is better. It's definitely in better shape but I'm starting to worry that we made the wrong choice.
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