Weight gain/loss: +10lbs. down 2 pounds from last week but I had a stomach bug yesterday so I'm assuming it will go back up once I'm able to eat.
Maternity clothes? Yup, all pants (except sweats) and most shirts.
Sleep? I had been sleeping great!
Best moment this past week? Feeling the baby move from the outside.
Sex: We're having a boy!
Belly button in or out? In, but getting more shallow, Bill thinks it's going to pop by the end of this week. Eeek!
Movement: I'm feeling more and more every day. It's starting to get stronger too. I can't wait for Bill to be able to feel it!
What I miss? Hmmm, nothing much this week, I'm just excited!
What I'm looking forward to this week: I'm on spring break from work so my plan is to finish painting the trim in the baby room and hopefully start getting the furniture put together.
Milestones: From babygaga.com, "You’re now housing a human who weighs nearly a pound and measures nearly a foot in length! Your wee babe's perfect little pancreas (a super-duper organ that produces hormones and aids in digestion) is now making its own hormones for your baby's body and brain!"
22 week picture:
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