Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bottle feeding

I go back to work on October 11. Eeek. Tommy will be going to daycare at the center for employees of my school district. I feel really good about this. We went and visited today and Bill and I just love the teachers and so did Tommy! He snuggled right into the arms of Rosa, the lead teacher! The other babies were all napping or playing quietly. Side note: the babies sleep in PNPs but there are 2 others who won't so they nap in bouncy chairs for now and they attempt the PNP everyday until they will!

Anyway, I've been pumping and have a small supply and will continue to pump as much as possible when I go back to work but I won't have enough to satisfy Tommy while at daycare so we have been forced to introduce formula. He's been taking 1-2 bottles a day of Enfamil Gentlease which was suggested by our pedi for his gassiness. Every time he takes the bottle, he drinks about an ounce before he startes moaning and pushing it out, then pulling it back in until he stops eating after 2 oz. It's like he's struggling to eat. I just thought it was the bottle itself. Until yesterday. Yesterday I pumped an extra time and fed it to Tommy in a bottle to see if he would act the same way. Nope. He calmly gulped down all 4 oz.

This morning I called the doctor to see if they thought we should switch formulas or if there was something else we should do. They suggested mixing the formula in the morning and letting it rest in the refrigerator to let the bubbles that are formed when mixing, pop. They said that's probably the problem, that it's like he's drinking a carbonated drink and his belly is getting full of bubbles.

So, we'll give it a try and see what happens. I hope that solves the problem but I have a bad feeling that it won't be that easy...


  1. Mix 1/2 breast milk with the formula. I have a FREE sample of gentle ease I'll mail you if mixing it the morning seems to work.

  2. Thanks for the suggestion. I might give it a try if soy doesn't work.

  3. My SIL mixed 1/2 and 1/2. Also have you tried making Lactation cookies or taking mother's milk to help increase your supply when pumping?

    Also, be careful with the soy, it has increased estrogen in it, which may not be good for Tommy. I'd ask the pedi about any possible risks of increased Estrogen. (I was told not to drink soy milk and watch how much edamame I eat due to the Estrogen)

    There is still hope. I am praying for you and Tommy.
