Saturday, April 28, 2012


My first bite of pizza in over 6 months. Project: Dairy Reintroduction is in full swing!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Yikes! Time got a way from me!

It has been WAY too long since my last post! Tommy is now 8 months old.

He is wearing size 4 diapers and size 9 month or 9-12 month clothing (some 6-12 month from Gymboree). He still has 2 teeth and is able to go from sitting to his belly. He army crawls, pulling himself along the floor by his arms with his belly on the floor.

He says mamamama, dadadada, bababababa, and many other sounds. He can give high fives, wave bye-bye, and give kisses. He drinks 3, 6oz bottles of formula a day as well as breastfeeding 2-3 times a day.

He has recently begun to sleep through the night, like for real sleeping through, not the 5+hour straight stretches that the doctors like to tell us counts. He goes to bed at 8pm and sleeps until about 5 or 6am. He is sooooooo much fun and I'm loving this stage!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A New Favorite "Food"

Tommy isn't crawling yet but I decided to let him try puffs. I think they taste great, Tommy thinks they're weird. He just kinda smacks his mouth if I give him one but won't put one in his own mouth. He does, however, LOVE pop cakes!

I bought a bag to try for myself since the grocery store where we shop was sampling them. They are very bland but I noticed that they pretty much just dissolve in your mouth so I thought I'd let Tommy try a piece. He went nuts over it!

Now I give him a piece every morning to munch on while I get my lunch made and his bottles put together for daycare.