Tommy is 4 months old! He is 14lbs 4oz and 25 inches long. He is in size 2 diapers during the day and size 3s at night since he has been wetting through. He is still wearing some 3 month size clothes but we are starting to put him in 6 month size in some things. He is still drinking 6 oz bottles while at daycare and breastfeeding at night and on the weekends. We tried rice cereal as directed by the pediatrician and while he liked the taste, it gave him terrible gas pains. We are putting cereal on hold for another month. He is still teething and although you can see his little top teeth right below the gums, none have popped out yet. He is batting at toys and just yesterday realized that he can pull down the vibrating toys and does it constantly! He getting so aware of his surroundings!
I am so thankful that we have such a happy, healthy boy!
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