Weight gain/loss: Still up 30lbs according to my scale. The doctor's scale last Tuesday said up 27lbs though.
Maternity clothes? Oh yeah, and some of them are getting too tight. I went out shopping this past weekend for some more clothes for some upcoming events. I spoke with my mom and she convinced me to just wear the bridesmaids dress that I wore back when I was 30 weeks for my friend Melissa's wedding to Bill's mom's wedding. I still think it's too formal for the type of wedding but it's better than stress myself out trying to find a dress and spending money that could be spent on other things. So that is one outfit down. I also decided to wear the same outfit to both Donna and Patti's showers. I found some cute white capris and a flowy blue sleeveless top that I really like and they were 50% off at Kohls :) I'd link them but they don't appear to be on their website.
Sleep? Still sleeping in the pillow fortress waking up a lot throughout the night.
Best moment this past week? Just spending time with Bill and realizing how close we are to having our little one here!
Sex: We're having a boy!
Belly button in or out? Well, the top sticks out all of the time and by the end of the night it's pretty squishy.
Movement: Lots and lots! He has been getting the hiccups a couple of times a day and he rolls around a lot. Sometimes he squirms up into my ribs and knocks the breath out of me!
What I miss? Being comfortable. That's how I feel all of the time lately, uncomfortable.
What I'm looking forward to this week: My family shower this weekend! I've been itching to get things organized and need to wait until after the shower to see what we get as gifts and what we still need to buy.
Milestones: From babygaga.com, "Until now, your wee womb-squatter's been living fairly high up in your poor stretched-out womb - blithely compressing your poor lungs and internal organs. This week your baby's going to pack their tiny bags and make the 'big' move to your pelvis - commonly referred to as the time when your baby 'drops'" Hmmmm, not so for for me!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks like whoa.
Picture: taken at 35 weeks
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