Weight gain/loss: Up 26 pounds total
Maternity clothes? Yup, I even broke down and bought new sweat shorts and they are way more comfortable.
Sleep? I'm still sleeping great! I get up once or twice a night to go to the bathroom but I'm able to go right back to sleep.
Best moment this past week? Getting and iPhone for an early birthday present from Bill! Also finally getting the baby room painted! It's been so hot and humid here that the paint would never dry if we tried to paint it. Yesterday was perfect so we did the second coat of wall paint and the first coat of trim. Today is supposed to be comfortable again so we'll do the second coat of trim and hopefully get the furniture in since my work shower is tomorrow! Sex: We're having a boy!
Belly button in or out? In, but it's looking very little.
Movement: Lots and lots! He's getting so strong!
What I miss? Being able to get off the couch without it taking tons of effort.
What I'm looking forward to this week: It's the last week of school with my students. By the end of this week my classroom will be completely packed and ready to move to my new room. Then I just have to work next Monday and Tuesday to make up for the number of snow days we had this year and the school year is over! Also, my work shower is tomorrow :)
Milestones: From babygaga.com, "This week, your amazing growing baby is around 3 pounds and 17 inches tall. With each added layer of baby fat, your baby's wrinkly raisin skin starts to look more and more like it will when they're born."
Labor Signs: None this week.
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