Weight gain/loss: +21 pounds, up 1 from last week. Uhg.
Maternity clothes? Yup, everything but sweats and the big t-shirts I sleep in.
Sleep? I'm still sleeping great! I don't want to jinx this but I rarely even get up to pee in the middle of the night :)
Best moment this past week? Getting the new nursery cleared out and ready to be painted. Oh and we started registering, finally!
Sex: We're having a boy!
Belly button in or out? In, but it's looking very little.
Movement: Lots and lots! Now Bill, my sister, my mom, and my mother in law have felt him kick :)
What I miss? I still really want a drink.
What I'm looking forward to this week: Getting the new baby room painted and finishing registering.
Milestones: From babygaga.com, "your child's lungs are already capable of breathing air as their vascular system can now handle oxygen/carbon exchange and their brain stem can now regulate rhythmic breathing as well as their basal body temperature!"
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks have stopped.
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