When it came time to decide which room would be the baby room, we decided on the smallest room because it was in the best shape and it's right next to our room rather than across the hall. We painted the room and I love how the color turned out, Bill hates the color. He swears it's purple, I don't see purple, only gray. He decided to just deal with it. We put together the furniture, changing table (with drawers), dresser, and crib. It looks great in the room but there one major problem, that's all that fits in the room. No room for a chair even. We could use the dresser as the changer but I'm afraid that we wouldn't have enough room for storage since we there is no closet in that room either.
I was so upset when we got all the furniture in there and I realized the room is just too small. I need a chair of some sort for nighttime feedings and we don't want a room that's overly packed, especially if there is another room available! Bill is pretty bummed that we put so much work into fixing up that room and now we need to do the other room too but I think it's probably a good thing. We don't plan on staying in this house forever, probably just another 5 years or so. When we go to sell it, it would be nice to have the rooms all fixed up. This is the kick in the butt we needed to get them presentable.
I like our cat. I really do. I'm not a cat person and wasn't the one who brought him into the relationship but I do like Gizmo. I just hate his litter box. With. A. Passion. Litter boxes are disgusting. Even the fancy-shmancy automatic one that we have, you still have to change the poop bin every few days or it smells:

The thing is, logic would state that we take it out of the bedroom it's in now, and move it to the other room. But now that we've fixed up the other room, I'd really like to make it into a guest room. We have a twin sized bed we can put in there but I don't know too many of our guests that would be cool with sharing a room with our cat's excrements. Other than the bedrooms, here is a list of other rooms in our house: kitchen (I don't want to cook meals next to cat poop), bathroom (no space), living room (I don't want to hang out with friends next to cat poop), basement (best choice but you have to go through our garage to get to the basement and it's too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer to leave the door to the garage open).
Now that I've convinced Bill to fix up the other room and use that for our nursery, I'm feeling better and less stressed but of course I have to add some drama with the cat box. I think I might be SOL on this one thou

I say put it in the office. When you have guests then move it.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm totally over-thinking this. I just hate the litterbox. Ick.