Monday, December 27, 2010

And so it begins...

Hi, I'm Katie. I'm 26 and married to a wonderful man named Bill, 29. We got married just over 2 months ago on October 22. We have been together for over 5 and a half years and have lived together for almost 3. We have a goldendoodle named Hojo (after Howard Johnson the former Met) and a cat named Gizmo.

The reason I started this blog:

On December 6, 2010 I took a pregnancy test (ok, 5) and saw my first ever positive result! Bill and I are so excited! We are due August 17, 2011 and are over the moon. As of today, I am 6 weeks 5 days along so we have a long way to go and aren't telling a lot of people. So far just our parents and siblings, my grandmother, and my co-teacher know. It's kind of exciting to have a big secret like this but also really hard because I'm probably the world's worse lier.

We aren't ready to tell anyone yet because our strong little bugger had a rough start to gestation. I was taken to the hospital on December 1 due to a high fever (103), strep, and severe lower back pain. As terrible as the pain was, it just disappeared about an hour after I arrived at the hospital. I had the pain for about 8 hours then it just vanished. They ran all kinds of tests, pregnancy, CT, MRI, ultrasound, and they all came back normal. The doctors thought I was nuts. I took my antibiotics and the strep was finally under control. The following Monday morning, something told me to take a pregnancy test and it was positive.

I immediately called my doctor and my gynecologist got me right in that day. He told me to not get ahead of myself, not to get too excited. My body had been through a lot and it was very possible that I'd miscarry. Three beta draws and a week later and I was told everything looked great! Then the spotting started. Luckily it was just some implantation bleeding but my doctor sent me for and ultrasound and I got to see our little bugger's heart beating away!

I'm so ready for the first trimester to be over so I can start telling people but I'm just too nervous still.

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