Thursday, July 21, 2011

Update: Swelling

I had my 36 week doctor's appointment today. The good news is that my blood pressure was 132/88 so high for me but not in the hypertension range and my doctor was not concerned about that, my weight gain, or my swelling. He said there was no protein in my urine (yay!) so my weight gain is probably due to the swelling, aka, water weight. The swelling is probably due to the heat and just being at this point of the pregnancy.

Other good news is that our little one is head down and he definitely dropped since he's right behind my cervix! I'm not dilated at all so I shouldn't go too early or anything but yay to a head down baby!

The only bad news is that they didn't even bother with the Group B Strep test because since I tested positive at my 16 week appointment, I'll need the antibiotic IV during labor regardless of the results of this test. Oh well. As long as everyone is healthy right?!


  1. Well atleast you have some goodnews that they arent concerned about preeclampcia. That would just be one more thing to stress about right now and you don't need that. Hope all else is well.

  2. Thanks, I'm so glad I don't have to worry about it either! There's plenty of other stuff to do/deal with!

  3. Yay!! Thank goodness no preclampsia! I hope that BP stays down!
