Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

In true New Years Eve fashion, I am reminiscing about that past year. It sure was an interesting one. In 2010 I:

1. planned and executed an amazing wedding (if I do say so myself)
2. became a married woman
3. had my best friend, Melissa, move to DC
4. lost my grandfather with whom I was extremely close
5. thought I had been laid off from my job but found out it was actually safe
6. got pregnant.

There were ups and downs. The major thing in my life now is the fact that I am pregnant but the event that is effecting me the most right now is my grandfather. I was so close with him and loved him so much. He passed away suddenly less than a month before our wedding. He was so excited for the wedding and was greatly missed that day. He was greatly missed at Thanksgiving and at Christmas. I can't believe that he will never meet our little one. I know that I am exceptionally lucky to be 26 and have any grandparents alive but it doesn't make me feel any better knowing this. My grandmother is so strong but I feel like I can't ever break down in front of her, that I have to be strong for her. This is all over the place but I just need to spill my feelings.

Back to New Years. Bill and I will not be going out tonight because our plans fell through, I can't drink anyway, and Bill isn't really in the mood to do anything. Instead, I am making beef tips and gravy over mashed potatoes and we're going to snuggle on the couch. It sounds perfect to me.

I always feel like I need to make some New Years resolutions though I usually take the easy way out. One is always to be happy. I feel like I'm pretty good at fulfilling that resolution so that will be on my list again this year. My second resolution is to keep the house more in order so that we are able to have people drop in without me feeling embarrassed of the state of our house. I'll be honest, there are very few times when there aren't dishes in the sink, mail all over the tables, and cat hair in every corner. We need to be better at cleaning up. The next one is a scary one for me because I'm afraid I won't be able to follow through. It's to keep this baby inside of me safe and sound all the way through delivery and beyond. I'm still petrified of miscarrying and then scared of being a good mother after our little one is here. If we're being honest though, I'm more worried about miscarrying. I'm sure the parenting insecurities will come later in the pregnancy.

Well that's it. It's been a roller coaster of a year. Here's to 2011 being a fabulous one.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I just need a doctor

I had an appointment with my gyno today as a follow up to the spotting I had last week. The plan was to meet with the doctor one last time then he would refer me to an OB. I asked around, did some research, and decided on a doctor that sounded great. The nurse made the call to refer me and found out the doctor I spent so much time researching and falling in love with isn't taking any new OB patients. So frustrating.

On top of finding out that this OB won't take me, while on the phone the nurse referred to me as a high risk OB patient. I know that is only because I had some spotting but it was like a punch in the stomach to hear that I'm considered high risk.

So after the doctor I went over my school district's central offices to add Bill to my health insurance since his is changing January 1 and it will suck then. I meant to do it before today but felt so crappy earlier in the week. So I get to central offices and it's closed. Completely. No one there. I mean, I know I'm on vacation and all the schools are closed but why is downtown closed? It's not New Years Eve even, it's December 30! Ugh so frustrating! I guess that's what I get for procrastinating...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Luckiest

I have to take a moment to brag about my husband. My husband is a guy's guy, through and through. He doesn't always think to do things just because they need to be done. A sink full of dishes can easily be ignored. I don't think he's cleaned the bathroom once since we've moved in together. That being said, he has turned into the most amazing husband and future father.

He decided that we need daily belly rubbing time (ok this creeps me out a little) so he can talk to our baby. I'm on pelvic rest so I'm not allowed to lift anything too heavy and he literally won't let me pick up anything heavier than a couple pounds. He took over cleaning the litter box as soon as I found out I was pregnant without even reminding him. He put away a whole bunch of Christmas presents while I napped today, and the only reason he didn't put them all away is because he didn't want to wake me up to put things away in the bedroom.

The kicker? He's voluntarily reading baby books. Anyone who has seen Knocked Up knows how important that is! We were laying in bed the other night and we each had a book, him: Hands Off My Belly, me: The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy. We stopped every now and then to read each other interesting parts.

He keeps telling me how beautiful I look, how much he loves me, and how excited he is for us to have our baby. I knew I married the right guy!

"And where was I before the day that I first saw your lovely face? Now I see it everyday and I know that I am, I am, I am the luckiest" - Ben Folds

Monday, December 27, 2010

Weekly Check-In (6 weeks)

How far along? 6 weeks 5 days
Weight gain/loss: 0 pounds
Maternity clothes? I need bigger bras, and my sister gave me some of her awesome elastic waist pants. I ordered a pair from here and I can't wait for them to arrive!
Sleep? Loving it.
Best moment this week? I had an u/s on the 23rd and got to see our little bugger's heartbeat!
Food cravings: Peppermint
Sex: I think it's a girl but I'm not basing it on much.
Belly button in or out? In
Movement: Only gas...
What I miss? As terrible as it sounds, wine.
What I'm looking forward to: Being referred to an OB. I love my gyno but I want an OB. I got back to the gyno on the 30th and they said they'd refer me then.
Milestones: Our little bugger's heart is beating!

And so it begins...

Hi, I'm Katie. I'm 26 and married to a wonderful man named Bill, 29. We got married just over 2 months ago on October 22. We have been together for over 5 and a half years and have lived together for almost 3. We have a goldendoodle named Hojo (after Howard Johnson the former Met) and a cat named Gizmo.

The reason I started this blog:

On December 6, 2010 I took a pregnancy test (ok, 5) and saw my first ever positive result! Bill and I are so excited! We are due August 17, 2011 and are over the moon. As of today, I am 6 weeks 5 days along so we have a long way to go and aren't telling a lot of people. So far just our parents and siblings, my grandmother, and my co-teacher know. It's kind of exciting to have a big secret like this but also really hard because I'm probably the world's worse lier.

We aren't ready to tell anyone yet because our strong little bugger had a rough start to gestation. I was taken to the hospital on December 1 due to a high fever (103), strep, and severe lower back pain. As terrible as the pain was, it just disappeared about an hour after I arrived at the hospital. I had the pain for about 8 hours then it just vanished. They ran all kinds of tests, pregnancy, CT, MRI, ultrasound, and they all came back normal. The doctors thought I was nuts. I took my antibiotics and the strep was finally under control. The following Monday morning, something told me to take a pregnancy test and it was positive.

I immediately called my doctor and my gynecologist got me right in that day. He told me to not get ahead of myself, not to get too excited. My body had been through a lot and it was very possible that I'd miscarry. Three beta draws and a week later and I was told everything looked great! Then the spotting started. Luckily it was just some implantation bleeding but my doctor sent me for and ultrasound and I got to see our little bugger's heart beating away!

I'm so ready for the first trimester to be over so I can start telling people but I'm just too nervous still.