Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Jealousy and Anatomy Scan

Our anatomy scan is scheduled for 2:30 this afternoon! Eeeeeeeeee

Ok, anyway. 

My cousin DJ and his girlfriend Jennie had a baby boy, named Keaghan, in February. They brought baby Keaghan to Easter dinner at my parents' house this past Saturday and it was Tommy's first introduction to him. He ran right over to the carseat while DJ was taking him out. Tommy kept pointing and saying baby! 

When my mom was holding baby Keaghan, Tommy watched. When I held Keaghan, Tommy stood close by and watched. When my dad held Keaghan, Tommy freaked. He went up to my dad and cried "Pa! Up Ommy! No baby!" 

Eventually, DJ, Jennie, and baby left to go home. Tommy excitedly waved and said, "bye baby!" no less than 20 times. I think he was excited to have the attention back on him!

The funniest part was the next morning. When he woke up, Tommy called for me like usual. When I went in to get him he looked at me and asked "bye bye baby?" I cracked up and assured him that the baby wasn't there anymore. I think Tommy is going to have a tough adjustment to having a new baby in our house in 4 more months!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Ees boy or ees girl?

I can't believe I'm 20 weeks pregnant already! This pregnancy seems to be flying by, especially now that I'm not dealing with all day morning sickness. This Wednesday is the anatomy scan! When I made the appointment 4 weeks ago, it seemed like it would take years to get through those 4 weeks but we've been so busy that the time flew. 

This morning, Tommy was sitting on my lap and I was talking to him about a few things. He pointed to my belly and said, "baby!" and ripped up my shirt, proceeding to blow raspberries on the "baby." I told him that in two days we would find out if the baby is a girl baby or a boy baby. I've asked him before what he thinks it is and he's completely ignored me, I'm sure he had no clue what I was asking. This time, however, he looked at me and said, "ees girl. Ees Abby." (Tommy adds "ee" or "ees" to the beginning of a lot of sentences and phrases) I quick turned to Bill and asked if he heard, he had and we both laughed! 

My mom is convince it's a girl and has been since we told her I was pregnant. Now Tommy agrees apparently! The funny part is that while Abby is the name of his favorite daycare teacher and presumably where he got that part from, Abigail is one of the names Bill and I have casually thrown around as a girl name for a future female baby. 

Well, I guess we'll find out if Tommy is right in less than two days!