Sunday, May 20, 2012

9 Month Update

Sorry I've been stinking at posting lately. Tommy is great. He's growing and changing and is now pretty mobile so I spend most of my free time chasing after him and have little time to be on the computer!

He had his 9 month appointment and he weighs 20lbs 3ozs and is 27.5in long which puts him in the 45th percentile for weight and 40th percentile for height. Bill took him to the appointment and can't remember his head circumference but he was in the 90th percentile. I guess he inherited Bill's giant dome piece!

He is scooting around on his tummy like a pro! He hasn't really had any desire to crawl on his hands and knees but that's fine! On Friday, he just randomly started going from his belly to sitting up! I had never seen him even attempt this and he just started doing it. He is also pulling himself up from his belly to kneeling when he has something to pull himself up on. However, he STILL can't go anywhere when he's laying on his back. He is completely stuck. Our pediatrician isn't concerned since he is doing everything else. 

Our pediatrician also told us that she wants us to try soy yogurt with Tommy and if that goes well, she said we can try soy formula instead of the Nutramigen. We'll see, I'm not going to rush it. The Nutramigen is expensive but it works with Tommy's sensitive tummy. I hope the soy yogurt goes well though, I'd like to get him eating some other foods. If he happens to be sensitive to dairy for his whole life, I'd like for him to have alternatives that he likes and can eat.

Basically, I'm loving my little guy. He so fun and it's crazy how quickly he's growing and changing!
Love his blue eyes!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

First night away from home.

Tommy is having his first overnight away from home tonight. My parents are keeping him so Bill and I can go to a birthday party and so we can have a test run sine they're keeping him when we go to a wedding out of town next month. I'm currently laying with him on my parents' spare bed in the room where their crib is. He's asleep and I can't get myself to put him down. I know he'll be fine. I know I'll be fine. I just can't seem to do it. Wahhhh

Ok. Here goes. I'm gonna do it. Really, I am.


One for the money.

Two for the show.

Three to get ready.

Four to go.


We stayed out until 12:30 and I went to sleep around 1. I woke up a little over an hour later having an anxiety attack. I felt like I couldn't breathe and I was shaking. I kept thinking that something bad had happened to Tommy. I woke myself up completely and pulled myself out of it. It was not too much fun though. When I woke up at 7:45 for the day, I called my mom and she told me Tommy was still sleeping! That he woke up at 5:15 and kind of babbled and played then went back to sleep! I'm glad he did well for them. I wish I hadn't been so stressed out.
I've mentioned that I tried reintroducing dairy and it really didn't go well. Eating a tiny bit didn't bother him too much but the day I tried pizza was the last time I tried. He was up all night crying. His body isn't ready and I'm not going to push it anymore.

Basically, that means that I have been dairy-free for 7 months, minus the one week that I tried to reintroduce. I have family and coworkers who are trying so hard to convince me to just give it up. I'm only nursing twice a day now, before bed and first thing in the morning. It's not a lot but it's enough for me and for Tommy. I know that I shouldn't let it bother me but I am SO SICK of people telling me to stop BFing.  

He won't take the boob at his 6pm feeding anymore and I'm fine with that. I LOVE our special time together, even if it's only twice a day. Tommy's so busy and interested in the world that he rarely snuggles with me, even while drinking bottles, he wants to sit on my lap and hold it himself. He won't let me cradle him and hold his bottle for him.

I have no idea how much milk he's actually getting from me but I know it's better than none. I have nothing against formula, I use it for 4 feedings a day, but it's been proven over and over again that breastmilk is the best for babies and I feel good that he's getting some, however little it might be.

So, when people try to convince me to stop, I get really frustrated. People at work think I'm absolutely insane for continuing to nurse ESPECIALLY because it means giving up dairy. It's really not hard anymore. Do I miss ice cream and pizza? Absolutely, but it's not that big a deal. It's just food. And food that's not particularly good for you anyway. 

I don't tell anyone else how to feed their child and I'm getting tired of people thinking that it's okay for them to push their opinions on me. I never saw myself nursing this long but it works for us. I don't plan on being the Time Magazine cover-lady but I'm not sure when I'll wean Tommy. I'm not putting an expiration date on my breastmilk.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Getting Tommy to Nap

I like to think of myself as a good mom. I do everything I can to keep my son safe and happy. I tell him many times a day how much I love him and feed him nutritious foods.

That being said, like most first time moms, I have no clue what I'm doing! It's my belief that most of parenting is a learn-as-you-go process. You learn by doing, which includes making mistakes. You take advice from your mom, your mother-in-law, your friends, and your pediatrician and you do what works best for your family and your baby. There is no one-size-fits-all approach for anything.

My grandma, whom I love very much, has been encouraging me to let Tommy "cry it out" since he was about 3 weeks old. She told me that he needs to learn to sleep by himself and that it's my job to teach him by letting him try. I respectfully disagreed with her. My mom told me to try it when he was about 8 weeks old saying that he's healthy and his sleep problems were because I have made him depend on me to fall asleep. I respectfully disagreed with her as well. Come to find out, he screamed and cried and was a terrible sleeper because he had a dairy sensitivity and his stomach was killing him! (point for mommy!)

Of course, my mom and grandma have given me plenty of great advice but I sometimes have to remind them that what worked for them won't necissarily work for me and my son especially because things have changed in the decades since they have had children.

Doing things my way have worked alright. I do still nurse Tommy to sleep at bedtime but he sleeps through the night from 8pm until 5:30 or 6:00am most nights! Naps have been a bit more frustrating. I used to be able to rock him to sleep pretty easily but now that he's so aware of what's going on and interested in everything, he never wants to stop playing! He'll be yawning and miserable but I'll literally have to lay him down in bed with me and force him to go to sleep to get a decent nap on the weekends. I decided it was time to ask daycare if they were having the same issues we were.

I talked to one of the teachers in Tommy's room and asked her how they get Tommy down. She said they give him a kiss, lay him down, and he goes to sleep. Um, what?! Really?! I was shocked. She said that they have to put him down last out of all of the babies because he goes right to sleep and when the other babies fuss or cry, it wakes him up. Seriously?! I realized that it's probably because they have such a consistent routine every single day. They lay the babies down at 9:00 and 12:45. He knows that it's naptime and just goes to sleep. 

So I decided to follow their schedule completely yesterday. I always nurse Tommy when he wakes up in the morning and during the week, I get up and we get ready for the day. On the weekend, we laze around in bed for a while. Yesterday I got right up and we started our day. He ate his bottle and breakfast at 8, just like at daycare, and at 9 I brought Tommy into his room, kissed him, and laid him down. He fussed for exactly 1.5 minutes and was out cold! Today I did the same thing at 9 and 12:45 and he fussed for a minute or two each time and went back to sleep! Who knew? 

So the key was to do the same routine and to LET HIM FUSS! I never do. I hate to hear him cry. I hate to think that he feels abandoned. However, now at just about 9 months old, he is just upset that he's not getting what he thinks he wants. As his mom, I know that he needs a nap. It's my job to make sure he gets it. 

It's kind of what my mom and grandma were telling me so many months ago. I still do not agree with them that he needed this back at just a few weeks old, but now, yeah, I think they are right.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Tommy took his normal 45 minute nap at 9:00 this morning then went back to sleep at 10:15 on our bed and he's still sleeping. He's usually much more of a catnap type kid than a long nap taker. I hope he's not getting sick...

Friday, May 4, 2012

Food Friday - Crockpot Italian Chicken

I haven't eaten this in many months because of the dairy content but I've been craving it lately so I thought I'd share. It's not particularly healthy but it is easy to make!

Crockpot Italian Chicken

4 chicken breasts
1 packet dry Italian dressing 
1 (8 oz) package cream cheese, softened
1-2 cans cream of chicken soup (depending how cream cheesy you want it)

Place the chicken in a crockpot and sprinkle Italian dressing over it. Combine cream cheese and cream of chicken soup in a small pot over low heat and pour over chicken. Cook on low for at least 4 hours. You can leave it in there all day. If you feel the sauce is too thick you can thin it to your preferred consistency with a little milk. Serve over pasta or rice, we serve over bow tie pasta!